• Blepharoplasty of the eyelids, commonly referred as eye lift surgery or eyelid surgery, is one of the most frequently performed procedures at Prasad Cosmetic Surgery. Dr Amiya Prasad, a top cosmetic oculofacial plastic surgeon, has helped many patients reveal their eyes with a natural look through carefully performed blepharoplasty. Sagging skin and puffiness in the eyelid can make one appear tired and lacking in energy.

    Upper eyelid surgery improves the aesthetics of the eyes by addressing excess and sagging skin often associated with aging, as well as the appearance of puffy eye bags. As an Oculoplastic surgeon, Dr. Prasad has pioneered several techniques in eye lift surgery, resulting in minimal incisions, safer anesthesia, and quicker recovery.

    “Eyelid surgery ranks every year in the top 5 cosmetic surgery procedures performed annually in the United States”

  • What is Eyelid Surgery?

    Eyelid surgery (medical term: blepharoplasty) is a procedure that aims at improving the appearance and function of the eyelids. The term “blepharoplasty” can be used for upper eyelid surgery as well as lower eyelid surgery. It is routine to perform upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty.

    Eye bags surgery-Blepharoplasty

    For many people, excess skin on the upper eyelids, puffy eyelids, and hooded eyes can be frustrating. Many of our patients note how applying makeup becomes difficult often resulting in smudging. The goal of the eye lift surgery is to restore the upper eyelids shape and contour, giving a more rested, refreshed appearance.

    Often, hooded upper eyes occur with puffy under eye bags. Lower eyelift or lower eyelid blepharoplasty can be performed at the same time as upper eyelid blepharoplasty. If you want to know more about transconjunctival blepharoplasty – eye bag surgery involving no external incision as it’s done from inside the eyelid, click the link.

    Benefits of upper eyelid surgery:

    • Improved aesthetic of the eye
    • Rejuvenated appearance
    • Alert and rested look – no heavy eyelids
    • Improved vision in some patients (functional blepharoplasty)

    Upper Eyelid surgery-Dr Prasad-New YorkEye lift surgery-Puffy eye-Male

  • Eyelid Aging Process

    Every blink causes the thinnest stretch of elastic fibers in the skin. Blinking also stretches fibers of the eyelid levator muscle (the muscle that raises the eyelid).As the area’s thinner skin begins to show fine lines, the overall underlying structure also ages. The skin sags and droops as the muscle layers weaken.

    In our younger years, youthful volume normally gives the eyelid a full and supple appearance. This volume, created by fat and the supporting tissue, depletes over time, resulting in the sagginess of the upper lid and appearance of eye bags on the lower eyelid. The prolapsing fat around the eye tends to shift forward in response to weakened, sagging muscles and support tissue.

    Eyelid surgery-Illustration-Prasad Cosmetic

    This shift results in the “puffy eyes” appearance or eye bags around the orbital (eye) area. Genetic factors can also contribute to premature appearance of eye bags in some people. Upper eyelid procedures can be done at any age depending on a combination of hereditary, environmental and age related factors.

    The upper eyelid skin becomes excessive and hangs over the eyelid crease. The muscle behind the skin called the levator muscle can also be affected resulting in a condition called eyelid ptosis.

    Blepharoplasty-Orbital area-illustration

  • Candidate for Blepharoplasty –Upper Eyelid Surgery

    • Here are the top eight reasons our clients shared why they made the choice to have Dr. Prasad help them look their best.
      1. Friends, coworkers or employees keep asking you if you’re not getting enough sleep or tired.
      2. You’re concerned that you’re working in a field where you are being perceived as “older” or “less important”.
      3. People think you’re older than you are.
      4. You look in the mirror and your eyes look like they’re small or almost closed.
      5. The real shape of your eyes is being hidden by a fold of skin hanging over the lids.
      6. You’re Asian and you want to have a “double fold” or crease to make your eyes look brighter.
      7. You’re frustrated applying eyeshadow because your eyelids are heavy or droopy.
      8. As you’ve gotten older, the skin over your eyes is sagging.

      With eye lift surgery, all patients will find that their face is significantly rejuvenated and they will be described as energetic,or well-rested, like they just came from a vacation. Women will find that eyeshadow is much more easily applied.

      Upper and Lower Eyelid Surgery

  • How is Upper Eyelid Surgery Done?

    Prior to eye lift surgery, the area is cleansed and a local anesthesia is administered. Using his minimal incision technique, Dr Prasad removes excess fat and tissue on the upper eyelid, then the skin and muscle are re-draped, and the incision is sutured closed. There tends to be less bruising when the eye lift surgery is done that way.

    Upper eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is performed to remove hooding over the eyes. Lower eyelid blepharoplasty addresses the bags (puffy eyes)  appearing under the eyes that give a person an exhausted expression. Upper eyelid surgery is performed through the lid crease and the scar is well hidden whether the eyes are open or closed.

  • Dr. Prasad’s Suture Technique

    Many of Dr. Prasad’s clients ask, “where are the stitches?” when they look in the mirror after the eye lift surgery is performed . Upper eyelid surgery is not just a simple removal of extra skin – in fact, the skin plays only a part of the procedure.Sculpting the soft tissue and creating a natural appearance is more of an art rather than technique alone.

    Most doctors who perform upper eyelid surgery can do a decent job which many people find acceptable since they don’t know better. However, very few cosmetic surgeons perform exceptional eyelid surgery. Common issues Dr. Prasad sees often are people whose upper eyelid incision scars fall outside the crease and can be seen when the eyes are open, or the crease incision is made too high on the upper eyelid.

    Asian Eyelid -outside natural crease right

  • Anesthesia and Duration of Procedure

    Dr. Prasad’s eyelid lift procedures differ from many traditional upper eyelid surgery because it involves minimal risk, minimal anesthesia and maximal results.

    Using local anesthesia with sedation (LITE™ Anesthesia) means less downtime after the procedure compared to an eyelid surgery performed under general anesthesia. In addition, general anesthesia has more attendant risks than local anesthesia, and there is a higher incidence of nausea. So generally speaking, Dr. Prasad’s approach for a blepharoplasty is certainly a safer option. The incisions heal extremely well and are virtually imperceptible, even when the eyes are closed. On average, eyelid surgery may last one to two hours, depending on the extent of treatment.

  • Eyelid Surgery Recovery & Follow Up

    Minimal bruising and swelling are typical after the eye lift surgery and tend to diminish within a week to ten days. Dr. Prasad’s patients benefit from his artistry, experience and use of advanced regenerative medicine such as platelet-rich plasma to help them recover quickly.

    Application of makeup can camouflage adequately for most people to go back to work within a week. Contact lenses can usually be worn in about two weeks after the procedure.

    Blood thinning medications, herbal supplements or nutraceuticals can affect the recovery process so it’s important to provide a list of all medications and supplements during your consultation at Prasad Cosmetic Surgery.

    Click here for Lower Eyelid Surgery

    Upper Eyelid Surgery 1 week before and afterUpper Eyelid Surgery 1 week before and after

  • Temporary Swelling After Eyelid Surgery

    Temporary swelling after upper eyelid surgery is common, but in Dr. Prasad’s practice swelling has been greatly reduced through the use of local anesthesia with LITE® IV sedation to quicken recovery. Swelling in most upper eyelid surgery cases subsides within days.

    Swelling from Asian double eyelid surgery may last longer, but not always longer than upper eyelid surgery done on other ethnicities. The amount of temporary swelling varies with individuals, with determining factors being: extensiveness of upper eyelid surgery, skin sensitivity, and individual anatomy.

    under eye bags-Blepharoplasty

  • Ethnic Considerations in Eyelid Surgery

    When performing an upper blepharoplasty, an experienced surgeon has to take into consideration the ethnic differences among patients. For example, the Asian eyelid is different anatomically in many ways, which is why specialized eyelid surgery is necessary to create natural results.

  • Asian Eyelid Differences

    Dr. Prasad has performed many Asian eyelid surgeries over his 20 years performing eyelid surgery. Special attention is needed in the central aspect of the upper eyelid and the epicanthal fold to make sure that the Asian eye is not “ Westernized”. For more information about Asian Eyelid surgery, visit the Asian Eyelid Surgery page.

    Double eyelid surgery- Dr Prasad

  • Factors related to darker skin

    Skin comes in a variety of shades and dark-skinned people should be aware that certain incisions heal differently when an eye lift surgery is done when compared to lighter skinned people.

    Blepharoplasty has a variety of important ethnic considerations, with skin color being one of them. Dark skin has more melanin (with added benefit of greater sun protection and less wrinkling). Dark skin is also more prone to thickened scars and placement of the incision is critically important to avoid obvious signs of surgery.

    During upper eyelid surgery, an incision that is not optimally placed may result in a more visible scar. When a scar continues to grow during and beyond the healing period, a hypertrophic scar or even a keloid may develop.

    Dr. Prasad has been a pioneer in eyelid surgical methods and educates other surgeons in the field of ethnic eyelid surgery. Dr. Prasad wrote an article entitled “Ethnic Considerations in Eyelid Surgery” which you may download here.

    Eyelid surgery-Dark Skin female

  • Male Eyelid Considerations

    Just as taking into account ethnic differences of patients when performing an eye lift, an experienced specialist knows how to differentiate the techniques used in male blepharoplasty from those used for female eyelids – it is crucial and absolutely necessary distinction. Well known male actors have become very “plastic” in their appearance from having procedures more suitable for women.

    For a man’s upper eyelid surgery to succeed, the patient must retain his masculine expression. A natural appearance has to be consistent with the anatomy of the eyes prior to the changes resulting in hooding of the upper eyelids and puffiness in the lower eyelids.

    If a man’s eyelids were “full” in appearance at a younger age, a conservative and artistic procedure will maintain a “full” look that is more youthful. If the contours are not preserved during blepharoplasty, a man not only loses his individuality but assumes a more feminine expression.

    Eye Bags- Upper and Lower Eyelid Surgery

  • Dr. Prasad’s Qualifications

    Dr. Prasad’s training and experience as an Oculoplastic surgeon far exceeds the standards of other plastic surgery boards. Surgery around the eyes is not to be taken lightly.

    Every year, hundreds of people have complications from eyelid surgery and desperately search for specialists like Dr. Prasad to help them correct and restore their eyes through highly specialized revision surgery.

    Based on this core belief of specialization as a way to provide higher level care, Dr. Prasad approaches his specialty of eyelid and facial rejuvenation surgery as a specialist as opposed to the broad approach of general plastic surgery.

    In addition, Dr. Prasad has distinguished himself by his artistic touch and exceptional skill in performing blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery. In practice since 1995, Dr. Prasad has established a reputation as one of the best eye plastic surgeons for cosmetic eyelid surgery. Dr. Prasad is a Cosmetic Oculofacial Plastic Surgeon and is Board Certified in General Cosmetic Surgery.

    eyelid surgery complication


    Being a super specialist in eyelid cosmetic surgery as a trained and experienced oculofacial/ oculoplastic surgeon gives Dr. Prasad many advantages over other more general plastic surgeons. However, competition and professional rivalry keeps many doctors from accepting their own limitations and performing procedures they are not trained enough to do.

    before and after upper eyelid surgery

Commonly asked questions

  • How much does the eye lift surgery cost?

    The cost of the eye lift surgery varies from patient to patient, and depends on Dr. Prasad’s evaluation of your needs. It’s important that you have a proper evaluation to determine if you are a candidate. The cost of surgery is based on surgeon’s fee, anesthesia, and facility costs. Safety and comfort are very important for the success of your procedure.

    Dr. Prasad takes great pride in his unique approach to anesthesia and patient care which helps his patients recover faster and enjoy the benefits of his artistry. Dr. Prasad’s offices have Joint Commission (same organization that accredits hospitals and surgery centers) accredited operating facilities in Manhattan, New York City and Garden City, Long Island.

  • Is there an ideal age for blepharoplasty?

    When the eyes look tired or dominate your facial appearance in a negative way, this is the time to consider eyelid surgery. Since many of these traits are hereditary, Dr. Prasad has patients for whom he’s operated on three generations within the same family. He routinely performs these procedures for patients as young as 20s, all the way up to their 80s and beyond. Dr. Prasad makes an assessment of the patient’s health and physical age to determine if they are able to undergo eyelid surgery.

  • How soon will I be able to go back to work after the surgery?

    Most people go back to work within 1 week from the eye lift. Dr. Prasad will discuss with you the details of your specific procedure and how it impacts the type of work you do. He has developed Quick Recovery methods such as the exclusive use of local anesthesia with LITE® IV sedation to help his patients get back to work and other activities as soon as possible.

  • Laser eye lift surgery or traditional?

    Lasers have many different uses, but a laser does not replace a skilled surgeon. A laser is a tool which can be used effectively in the hands of a surgeon like Dr. Prasad to enhance the results of the surgery and to minimize recovery time. He will discuss with you if you are a candidate for laser blepharoplasty.

  • Does blepharoplasty change the overall eye shape?

    Preserving the unique characteristics of an individual in their eyes is a top priority for Dr. Prasad, and part of his natural-looking aesthetic style. Over-aggressive surgery can result in loss of the character of the eyes. Dr. Prasad will do his planning and drawing with you before you undergo surgery so you know what to expect.

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